Electra Plays for Positivity

Electra is both star player and coach, all rolled into one. As a pro gamer for the e-sports team Complexity, she fills her streams with her unique blend of affirmation and relentless hustle. Off-stream, she’s busy on social media mentoring and advising younger gamers. We chatted with Electra about how she stays energised and motivated through it all, how she overcame a serious injury to get back into the game, and how she uses her platform to buck toxicity in gaming.


I wanted to be solo without an organisation while I grew my own stream and brand. I chose to wait to join a gaming organisation until I felt that I'd found the right one.

I started streaming in 2014 and for the next four years did it as a hobby and an escape from school and friend drama. In 2018, I worked to get 5,000 followers streaming mostly Call of Duty and I finally got partnered. I started to stream Fortnite a lot and my stream took off. The next year I was approached by Complexity and there was something different about them. One thing was how close they were to me already. Being able to go to the headquarters and have people from my organisation living close to me is such a plus! I also have had many friends in different orgs that have shared negative experiences with me. But I never heard anything negative about Complexity. When I toured the facility, everyone was so kind and excited to meet me. It made me feel important and cared for and ever since I joined, that hasn’t changed.

I'm so happy I waited to join a team. Complexity was worth the wait!


I have so much advice for people in the gaming and streaming community, but specifically for women. I seek out female content creators to play with and have met so many amazing women through doing this! I have also been part of a few Women of the eRena tournaments and other female-only competitions in the past. Thankfully I have a lot of female friends I always get to play with. We encourage each other to provide good content and stand up for each other any time we need. Hopefully one day we can feel more equal to men within gaming.

My biggest advice is to never let someone downplay your success because of your gender. If you start to find success as a streamer, it's because you have put the time and effort into the growth of your content!

No matter what, focus on the positives. There will be one negative comment in every 20 positive ones. The negative one sticks out more and can do the most damage unless you choose to focus on and appreciate the positive ones.


Taking care of my body is very important to me. I had a time where I got very lazy and didn’t work out or eat well. It wasn't until I got in a snowboarding accident in December 2019 that I decided to really take it seriously.

I had multiple concussions from my accident and that causes some memory issues. I do memory games and other mentally stimulating games in order to strengthen my brain. For physical strength, I play soccer every Thursday and do what I can to work out multiple times a week.
"If there was one rule that I hoped everyone would play by, it would be that we all have the same mindset. Everyone is going through challenges in life, so let’s treat each other better together!"

— Electra
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€ 1.528,00


I would classify myself as an outgoing introvert. I can be outgoing, loud and confident when I want to be, yet I get my energy from alone time. I used gaming as my alone time where I could just have something for myself.

But streaming is different. I essentially talk constantly for eight hours and have to be entertaining the whole time, which can be very draining. As part of my job, I am also in meetings, filming for Complexity, posting on all my social media, getting videos produced, and doing research to come up with new stream ideas. It can be overwhelming!

To balance everything, I work out, eat healthy, spend time with family and friends, and make sure I have time to myself where I don’t think about work. It can be hard to balance work and relaxation, but I think I've done a good job of that.


My thinking has definitely changed on what I need for my set-up since it is my full-time job. Things like my desk, chair and even background of my stream are very important. I’m definitely looking to add high-quality things for my set-up in order for it to be comfortable, stylish and enjoyable!

My Herman Miller gaming chair has been life changing. I used to have chairs that never supported my back, but my back doesn't have any more pain ever since I switched to Herman Miller! I also have a dual PC set-up with a monitor mount which really helps with organisation and desk space.


Bring home the Aeron Gaming Chair to experience ergonomic support, ultra-personalised fit and cooling airflow in one state-of-the-art seat.